Thursday 26 January 2012

TAG: 20 Questions!

Hey girls!<3
I'm about to do this little tag so that you can get to know me! :) Hope you all enjoy it!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without? - 110% my phone! Oh my gosh. It's going to sound ridiculous, I know, but if I leave the house without my phone I feel so lost! ha ha! 
2. Favorite brand of makeup? um um um, hard one! :( I love so many brands as I am really easily pleased most of the time.. But my favourite brand is going to have to be MAC! 
3. Favorite flower? Never actually thought about my favourite flower, probably a daisy though, nothing special! :) 
4. Favorite clothing store? forever21 
5. Favorite perfume ? Viva la juicy
6. Heels or flats? considering I'm only 14 and I'm 5'6 which is quite tall, I'm usually in flats.. although I do love the look of heels! I just never get the chance to wear heels tbh, so gotta be flats! 
7. Do you make good grades? yep, I do make really good grades! This year, I've decided to really concentrate and crack on with school & I'm doing really well. I put a lot of effort into my school work! 
8. Favorite colors? Baby Pink / Baby Blue!
9. Do you drink energy drinks? nooo, haha! I only ever drink water, coke & hot cocoa! I'm so boring!
10. Do you drink juice? ^ nope!
11. Do you like swimming? love, love, love swimming! I hate getting out though, when you're wet & cold! :(
12. Do you eat fries with a fork? always :)
13. Favorite moisturizer? Dramatically Different - Clinique. 
14. Do you want to get married later on in life? yeah, I haven't thought about it really.. only 14! :') 
15. Do you get mad easily? not really, my mum may think differently though! haha
16. Are you into ghost hunting? erm, no?
17. Any phobias? snakes, spiders, insects in general, dentists, ect. 
18. Do you bite your nails? no no no 
19. Have you ever had a near death experience? yep, I do horse riding and i've had some really dangerous times on a few crazy horses! 
20. Do you drink coffee? Only if i'm shattered!! 

and that's it! :) Thanks so much for reading and as I said in my last post, I had to make a new blog & I lost all of my followers & I'd love to get them all back! So please follow! :-) xxxxx



  1. This is just a fun post! Love your blog!
    Wardrobe Stylists, NYC.

  2. I am so glad that I came across your blog! I am now following!

  3. reatanswers, I dont drink juice either xx
